He isn't yet able to recognize what an awesome gift this is, but his parents can! I can't wait to watch him drive up and down our long driveway. He'll be teaching Well's before we know it!

(His first glimpse of his tricycle.)

(We were all telling him what to do, I can see him debating who to listen too.)

(... and the pushing began. All of his favorite toys are push toys right now,
so naturally he thought he'd try pushing his tricycle too, ha.)

(It's really hard to get smiling pictures of this booger, I need to be more diligent at taking candids.)

(The yard isn't as easy to drive in, but he was content to let daddy push him.)

The excitement ended on the porch. He went to work showing his animals his tricycle and shoving them into the little compartment at the back. They didn't quite fit but that couldn't deter him. He finally figured out that if you keep the lid up everything works out.

(That face say's "I'm determined," too bad the animals weren't into cooperating.)
It's a great gift one that will be used for many years to come, thanks Nana and Poppa!
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