Oct 4, 2016

The whole family goes to Lake Jocassee.

     This post is mostly a photo dump from a trip we took to Lake Jocassee with our dear friends the Isley's. It was two weeks after Well's arrival and we decided to bring Tobias with us. Even though we had never brought him before we took a chance, and the gamble paid off! He loved hanging out with the Isley girls, chasing them and swimming with them, basically mimicking their every move. He was the energizer bunny, going and going, because life at the lake is so diverting, there is always something to do!

     We didn't really have any issues until we went to leave and he had a meltdown. I get it, lots of sun, continuos play, no nap and a fast approaching bedtime can wear you out before you realize it! Thankfully Paw Patrol and his paci calmed him down and five minutes down the road he was passed out. The ride home was quite peaceful!

(Well's and Wood's the youngest members on board, 2 and 3 weeks old)

     Well's did really well not to my surprise. Newborns sleep so much he was really only awake to occasionally eat. One of the reasons why I thoroughly enjoy those first several weeks. 

(Rowan and Elizabeth enjoying the ride from the back of the boat)

     The day was beautiful. Slightly overcast and just hot enough to not be miserable. The boat rides to and from jump rocks, beaches and waterfalls were my favorite part.

     It ended rather abruptly due to an impending thunderstorm, but the end couldn't have come at a more perfect time (I would rather have a meltdown in the car than on the boat)! It was such a beautiful, and relaxing family day, I am so thankful everything worked out!

(Grandpa and Nana Beatty the best boat captain and co-captain!)

(my handsome hubby)

(Toddler bums in Finding Nemo swim diapers and chunky thighs=love)

(Why drink out of a sippy when you can drink out of dad's water bottle? Too big for his breeches!)

(Showing us their yoga stretches!)

(Elizabeth demonstrating her superb big sister skills!)

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