(Buying food to feed the goats is non-negotiable.)
My family decided to go to Young's Jersey Dairy. We forgot to account for the holiday and so we were met with huge crowds and long lines. Thankfully it was still fun. Ty fed the goats, ate some ice cream, played in an area for kiddies and threw an awesome tantrum (insert sigh here). The Aunties and Uncle Dan enjoyed ice cream and the golf range and were grateful for the fact that they didn't yet have kids. If you hangout with me and my littles for any extended period of time that tends to happen. Just being honest.

(Sometimes we scavenge for food when the money runs out.)

(That second picture gets me, Ty must have done something gross!)

(Auntie Cesca rockin' some shades.)
I used my 50mm for these photos and really like how they turned out. I find it hard to get the perfect focus with that lens, but when you do, the pictures are amazing! I definitely got in some good practice.

(My little chunker was really starting to fill out, love those cheeks.)

(We met the fattest little piggy! He was into the scratches.)

(Playing the drums and riding the tractor.)

(His great-grandpa would be proud!)
One of the motivating factors enticing me into visiting that weekend was the chance to meet my niece! Uncle Nate and Aunt Celeste drove up to show Little Phoebe around and enjoy Cedarfest. Cedarville claims the man who established Labor Day so they celebrate in style, with festival rides and a pancake breakfast put on by the firehouse, they go all out. There is a Heartsong concert, fireworks and a parade too!
Ty, Well's and I went to the Heartsong concert. Tobias was quite impressed. He even picked up some worship leader moves. He can now stomp his foot while he strums his guitar, hehe. We are learning all the tricks!

(Nana and Poppa with their three grandkids!)

(Throwing the ball with August kept them both entertained for at least a half hour!
So sweet to watch.)

(Love all the sweetness in this picture.)
I'm so glad going home doesn't seem as daunting anymore (partly due to having someone to ride with, thanks Cesca). Sure, the eight hour car ride can get pretty draining - especially when you sit in an hours worth of traffic delays - but the time with family is priceless and so important to me! All that to say, I'll be staying in South Carolina for the forseeable future, the cooler temperatures are making their way to us and I'm ready to burrow in for the winter!
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