We were home in Ohio the second week in July. My childhood home was abuzz with giddy anticipation and wedding prep was in full force. The third in line, Victoria, was getting married at the end of the week to sweet Dan.
Dan is a Maryland native who courted my family so successfully my mother almost forgot he was whisking yet another daughter away from her. In the moments she did remember, tears were usually involved and it would make me think of the Kiera Knightly "Pride and Prejudice" quote when Mrs. Bennet says, "I often think, that there is nothing so bad as parting with one's children. One seems so forlorn without them." I can only imagine how difficult this phase must be for my mom, I hope I have as much grace as she does when I am going through it.

(It seems Vic was skeptical of whatever Ty was drawing.)

(T-O-B-I-A-S, I can hear them chanting it in my head.)

We were constantly checking the weather and trying our darndest (yes I know that's not a word) to wish away the 100% chance of rain that was forecasted for the day of the wedding. We were unsuccessful, but the church turned out to be a beautiful backup plan.

(My momma and two weeks old Baby Well's.)
It was a week that despite having two littles was so full of ease, sweetness and good memories it made me wish for just a second that we all lived together, near each other in real life. But alas, we do not, so I will just have to fill up on family when I can and try and make it till I see them again.

(Always playing games and being silly with Auntie Cescee.)
So there we were, my little pod of people, lounging in the driveway, savoring each others company and enjoying the little things.

(Spinning until you're dizzy...)

(and then falling down.)
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