I think I'm going to be photo dumping for awhile. Just trying to catch up and post a lot of the pictures that I've just been saving to my computer. Looking back on some of these makes me realize just how much he has grown. Tobias at three months vs. Tobias now at five and a half months is drastically different. I fear the old saying "you blink and they are grown" because it's happening before my very eyes. Oh and I just read the book "Love You Forever," and balled my eyes out. Why would you write such a thing? The author must enjoy making mothers cry, that's the only logical conclusion.
At three months when he found his voice he would wake up talking and babbling and I'd reach over and pull him into bed between Gray and I and snuggle him and watch him enjoy his new found skill. It was fascinating, both his facial expressions and the vocal exercises he would produce. We're onto new skills now, but I never tire listening to his silly sounds. And the morning snuggles? That will me a daily occurrence for as long as he allows. . .
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