Since Sunday night, the babe has slept from 7:30ish to 4/4:30 when I feed him and put him back to bed until 7:30 in the morning. Can I just say, sleep is so crucial. For me and my family a happy baby means a happy mum and a happy dad. We definitely have some zzzzzz's to catch up on, but we are on the right track. The texts and conversations I've had from friends checking in, meant the world. There is definitely a light at the end of this tunnel and I have more confidence knowing that I can overcome tough parenting obstacles. These pictures were taken in the midst of getting back on track so he still has that tired stare going on in a couple of them, but I love the purpose they serve. What a great reminder of where we've been and where we never want to return, so help me!
On a side note, he doesn't seem to be bothered by grass, something that, according to my mom, I hated. He is as curious as ever and everything, I mean EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. I am loving and hating this stage. His adventurous spirit is inspiring. Oh and the giggles and laughs and tired cuddles and those chunky baby feet and fat knees, gosh! I'm totally gushing, I'll stop. Six months on Friday. Man oh man.

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