please ...
It's a little past the actual day, but these were taken pretty close to the 27th of December so that's a win in my book! Three months, gah! It's going way too fast. He is changing so quickly and yet when you're in the thick of the day to day it doesn't seem like it. I'm trying to cherish every amazing smile. Every flirt. Every squeal. Every time he makes eye contact and recognizes who mum and dad are. Every noise. Every eye rub. Every snuggle. Every diaper change. Every bath. Every body massage. Every time he wraps his hand around my finger. Every thumb suck and yes even every cry. Who knew the biggest scariest weightiest responsibility of life could bring so much joy?! I feel so blessed, so in awe that God entrusted this precious tiny human into our care. I don't want to take the fleeting time I have with him for granted. I want to be purposeful and intentional with every moment. I find myself praying more frequently, even harder and with more urgency that this little life would realize who Jesus is and choose to follow Him. I pray that God would live through Gray and I so that Tobias grows to love the Lord and bring glory to Him. Does it ever get easier? That inward battle that can't wait to see who they become and yet yearns for them to stop growing for just a minute? I never thought I was sentimental ... and then he came along.
Beware: photo overload. I am a new mom and all ...

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