Jul 22, 2014

When friends come to visit.

     Friendship is a beautiful thing. A kind of organic ideal that constantly proves to enrich life. I am in no way an expert on friendships. In fact, too often when things get tough or require too much effort I can turn and walk the other way. It was my dad who once said, "being a good friend is choosing to stay in the mess and muck of other people's lives, realizing that you aren't perfect yourself, and acknowledging that even in your best moments you need forgiveness and grace." Because surprise of all surprises, friendship isn't easy! But what's that saying, sometimes the hardest things in life are the things most worth pursuing, or something like that.
     Gray and I are spoiled with some amazing friends. Each one brings a unique trait or quality to the table and so I find that I can enjoy God's creativeness through each different personality and dynamic relationship. And it always amazes me how different portions of my personality can be brought to light with each friend. I first noticed this with Gray. He could act so silly and fun with one friend, but so serious and mature with another. Not that he never intermixes the two extreme's, but different friendships can lend themselves to revealing different facets of our character. I don't know anyone who is completely the same with every person (albeit, this excludes morals, values, beliefs, but refers to personality traits like outgoing, silly, serious, etc.).
     This weekend Chris and Grace made a stop at our house before meeting up for a family vacation on the beach. It was a 24 hour whirlwind of teary eyes due to continuous deep belly laughs, crinkled foreheads from thought provoking conversations, and permanent smiles as a result of happy hearts. Chris and Grace are the kind of friends who are continually enriching our lives. I'm so glad they took the time to see us, and although the time went by way to fast, I will forever cherish the memories we made.
     I will never forget the moment when Grace became a forever friend. We were sleeping over at the Cato's house, I'm not sure of the occasion, but Grace and I were upstairs laying on the mattress in that stuffy loft that holds many many secrets. We were discussing love and life and got to the point where we couldn't help but be vulnerable. It was the best kind of conversation. The kind with depth that divulges hidden fears and troubles, but doesn't leave them hanging, instead it embraces them and shares the burden. I come back to this quote often when I think of that night;
“Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . ."” ― C.S. LewisThe Four Loves
I knew as I lay there fighting sleep that God had gifted me a special friend. And that's what she is; a precious friend that stood by me at my wedding; a sweet friend who despite my horrible long distance communication skills still pursues me! And it only seems to get better! I'm so excited that we are both expecting our first babies together. Crazy, crazy, I am so lucky to have Grace in my life!
I can't wait till the next time!

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