The recipe is quite simple and will not take much time which always scores in my book! Please try this recipe and tell me if you liked it just as much as me and if your crust sinks to the bottom let me know that too. Mine definitely did and I'm not sure why. I tried to read the reviews but came away thinking two things, 1) "phew, there seems to be a group of us who had the same issue (strength in numbers people)" and 2) "wow, I must be an idiot! I must have made some sort of mistake because so many of these people are saying (with gumption I might add) they did EXACTLY what the recipe said and everything turned out perfect!" Well if your crust sinks or it doesn't, know that it's not a big deal because regardless, this cake is still super good! I mean who doesn't love sweet, moist coffee cake with a brown sugar cinnamon crumble on top, it's a classic!

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