In 1 Thessalonians 3, Paul writes, I have sent Timothy to "strengthen, comfort, and encourage you in your faith, so that you won't be shaken by the sufferings and wither under this stress that lies ahead (vs. 2-3). Timothy was sent to remind the Thessalonians who they'd placed their faith in, to encourage them to prevail through all of the temptations and testings that they were and would experience.
This week I needed that reminder, I needed a Timothy. I was stressed, and even though we are now slowly getting back to normal I know there will be more stress up ahead because that's life, but God graciously provided several Timothy's that encouraged me in my faith. I was given much needed advice, listening ears, sensitive hearts, praying warriors, and prevailing love. I was challenged and encouraged through friends and family that though I am weak, His spirit is strong in me, I've been given faith to trust that God is good and his love is great regardless!
Has God placed any Timothy's in your life to encourage you in your faith? Have you been a Timothy to someone this week?
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