There is so much here, O Eternal One, so much You have made.
Of course, the sea is vast and stretches like the heavens beyond view,
and numberless creatures inhabit her.
From the tiny to the great, they swarm beneath her waves.
and numberless creatures inhabit her.
From the tiny to the great, they swarm beneath her waves.
Our ships skim her surface
while the monsters of the sea play beneath.

to give them food when the time is right.
When You feed, they gather what You supply.
When You open Your hand, they are filled with good food.

When You revoke their breath, the life goes out of them,
and they become, again, the dust of the earth from which You formed them at the start.
and they become, again, the dust of the earth from which You formed them at the start.
When You send out Your breath, life is created,
and the face of the earth is made beautiful and is renewed.

And may He rejoice in the greatness of His own works—
He, who rattles the earth with a glance;
He, who sets mountains to smoking with a touch.
I will sing to the Eternal all of my life;
I will call my God good as long as I live.
He, who sets mountains to smoking with a touch.
I will sing to the Eternal all of my life;
I will call my God good as long as I live.
-Psalm 104:24-33 (translation The Voice)
This weekend we met an old friend of Grayson's for lunch at Pinky's Westside Grill. I would highly recommend it if you're ever passing through Charlotte, NC. Zach and Gray were best friends in high school, so Kristin (Zach's girlfriend) and I heard lots of crazy stories!

I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed . . . He love's to photo bomb.
Gray definitely made the gardens a more happenin' place. . .
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