My sister is guest blogging today, and I don't need to say anything because she has a way of saying things beautifully all by herself. I hope you're encouraged as much as I was by reading this.
As most of you know who have been following my lovely
sisters blog, I was originally supposed to be her co-blogger, but with
schedules and living 8 hours away we found it to be much more of a challenge
then we originally anticipated! Instead, I now have the privilege of guest
blogging! So
thanks for letting me share a little of what I’m learning Jak!
July 20th marked the beginning of my 21st
year on this blessed earth and to say it was an interesting birthday is an understatement…
I always love birthdays. In our household they were always
viewed as something to be cherished, a special day devoted to the “birthday
girl.” And while I have never been able to bring cupcakes for my fellow
classmates, I would not change by summer birthday for anything. I love having
time off, free from anything to celebrate with my family. I love reflecting
over the past year and rejoicing in the new year to come.
For me, this year marks the beginning of the end. I will be
starting my final year of college and hopefully be an RN in a little over 10
months! (say what?!) It’s crazy to think this moment is fast approaching and
with it brings a whole slew of things to consider.
Where will I be in one year? What will my first job be? Will
I still be in Xenia? Do I even want to be a nurse? But seriously, what am I
doing with my life??
I am a planner with a capital P so you can see my dilemma. The
unknown makes me nervous. So naturally, I automatically plan for the worst
possible outcomes. Let me say, not a good idea. It makes for an awful birthday,
and year. I began to dread my upcoming classes, homework, responsibilities,
dorm life, graduation, first job, and well yeah basically everything.
But God really used my 21st birthday to start to
shake me out of this pattern of thinking. I was miserable on my birthday and
rather than rejoicing I was wallowing, yes wallowing. What kind of birthday is
that?? I was not finding my joy in Christ but rather placing my ability to be
happy on whether or not I knew what the upcoming year held for me. I was not
placing my trust in God to provide all the happiness I needed and allow him to
be in control of what this upcoming year brings.
The song He is With Us by Love and the Outcome continues to
pop up in my playlist time and time again. And the lyrics go a little like
Remember when your hope is lost and faith is
Remember when you wonder if you're gonna make it
There's a hand stretched out through your deepest doubt
We can't pretend to see the ending or what's coming up ahead
To know the story of tomorrow
But we can stay close to the One who knows
We can trust our God
He knows what He's doing
Though it might hurt now
We won't be ruined
It might seem there's an ocean in between
But He's holding on to you and me
And He's never gonna leave, no
He is with us, He is with us
Always, always
He is with us, He is with us
We believe there is purpose, there is meaning in everything
We surrender to His leading
He wants nothing more than to have us close
These lyrics have just really reminded me of the simple truth-God knows what he is doing. By placing
my trust in him I can understand true joy. A joy grounded in the reality of
what he did for me on the cross and continues to do even when I fail to trust
him time and time again. Instead of always being caught up in knowing what is
coming ahead, I need to be thankful for the place he has me in right now. And
when I continue to make seeking him a priority, the details will fall into
place. It might not always be the way I think it should be, but he is worthy of
my trust. God has something for me no matter what the situation!
And I know this seems like such a cliché thing
to write about but it is such a reality because of the fallen world we live in.
My prayer is for a joy found in Christ and an ability to turn complete control
over to him. By doing this, I pray for an increased ability to look outwardly
and love the people God has placed in my life. To be a living testimony of
God’s love for me!
- Francesca