I absolutely hate to admit it, but our dog is super spoiled. I know some people like to treat their animals as if they are human and I don't have anything against that, it's just not my thing. Growing up the dog was the dog, no sleeping in bed with you, no fancy treats, no pampering, it made sense. Our family was busy and even though we loved and treated the dog well it wasn't my moms "fifth child." So naturally when Gray and I picked up little Riggs from the Humane Society my view of how things were going to be was a little stricter than what they ended up being . . .
For instance, the dog was never allow on the couch in my mother's home, Riggs is currently cuddled up beside me on our couch. Dogs never laid on beds (I mean never got on furniture period) Riggs gets to sleep on our bed every morning (only when I'm not there cause I'd put an end to that). Dogs stayed in the back room/kennel during the day because the family was at school/ working. The only day Riggs is in the kitchen for more than 4ish hours at a time is Sunday and not only that, but Riggs gets to go to the dog park about 2 hours every day. In my opinion, Riggs is slightly pampered. He gets a lot of attention from two people who have pretty uncomplicated lives (at this point). The way I see it, for now, it's okay that he's spoiled, the day will come when Riggs will get a rude awakening, but that's not today.
So I'm content breaking rules that I didn't even knew I held until I moved out of my parents house and experienced getting a dog of my own. If only you knew how much we loved you Riggs . . .
Love reading/catching up on all your blogs from the last few weeks!! Love seeing the pictures and sensing more of where life is taking you...what you are experiencing. Love you!!