May 3, 2013

Moving Forward.

Do you ever feel like you're in a rut?

     I feel as if lately the person I envision myself becoming isn't going to naturally evolve from the person I am now. If that doesn't make sense, let me put it this way, the choices and the way I am living in this moment are in no way leading me to the person I want to become. Some of those choices are small and might seem inconsequential, but i can't help thinking that if I don't get ahold of them now, they could turn into some really unhealthy habits.
     So I've been thinking. And for some reason, maybe it's the season or the new place we are in, but I want to "clean house." I'm really challenging myself to throw out these bad habits that are forming and not just throw them out, but create space and make way for new life giving habits.
     I know this transformation of sorts will most definitely not happen overnight, I understand that, but that doesn't mean that I can't start now. And in my opinion, what better way to start than to write it down. It kind of makes it permanent, like taking the first step, because it goes past just thinking and turns into action. Plus, by writing it down it's that much easier to hand it to someone and say "hey, would you mind keeping me accountable?" or "would you help me reach these goals?"And lets be honest, it's near impossible to make changes and make them stick without someone or many someones encouraging you and cheering you on (cue Grayson, hehe).
     Now looking at my list it would be completely unrealistic to think I'm gonna be perfect, but someone once gave me great advice: it's about perseverance, about keeping on, even though it might be the smallest of steps, a shuffle towards the finish line (aka. healthier habits) is better than standing still.

Jak's Goals:
1) Read the Bible consistently, so often this gets pushed back by other more "important" things, not anymore! (My thinking: Who would climb Mt. Everest without a guide? A crazy person that's who) I found this guide through another blog I read, I'm not setting any time limits on myself, this just gives me a place to start.
2) Love better. Broad, I know. Basically, I find that I can be horrible at keeping in touch. I need to stop making excuses and send that text, call that individual, write that note, hangout with that friend. I'm horrible at standing back and waiting for people to come to me, it rarely happens. Great relationships are the ones you pursue.
2) Exercise. This one's a toughie. I found myself wanting to finish my sentence with "exercise more," but I realized that implies I've already been exercising (ha). I hate exercising and I know I'm not alone, I'm not a runner and no matter what runners say, it never gets easier. I'm not really a dancer, but that's the nice thing about zumba, you just have to shake it, and that, I can do. I also might add some yoga in there, I need a way to de-stress and toning your muscles never hurts. I'm gonna start by going three times a week and see what happens from there.
3) Eat healthier and eat less. I'm definitely not saying this is great for everyone and to be honest Gray and I do a modified version, but we have found the Paleo diet to be really good for us. You might want to check it out.
4) Watch less TV. Instead take time to explore. Explore my creativity, explore nature, explore Greenville.
5) Create a book club. this is something that my sister in California loves to do and she's inspired me to start my own, plus I just love reading and there are very few girls that don't love talking, so really it's a win win.
6) Grow in my photography. I joined an online class that I can take at my own pace and I have several books on this topic that are waiting to be (love my kindle), I just need to start.

     As I set more goals and uncover more unhealthy habits I might add to the list, but for now that's gonna be more than enough to tackle. Some days it might be a shuffle, but I'm okay with that. So here's to moving forward!

Just in case you're unfamiliar with the shuffle, this mans got it down :)

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