Nov 3, 2017

I am so behind ...

... and honestly it is quite laughable that I think I will ever catch up.

(Constant instruction on how to roast a marshmallow and how not to stick it in the ashes.)

     Maybe when I am drawing in that final breath of air my kid's childhoods will be documented. I'm not a "journaler". I am not a writer. I'm horrible at finishing projects (one of my major character flaws). Regardless, here is the next installation in the never-ending "Cato Boys Childhood" series.
     We have spent the last several weeks outside. It feels like the fall temperatures were a long time coming this year. Maybe it was due to all the tropical storms, maybe not, I don't claim to know weather. All I know is that it stayed hot, like high 80's, through mid October. Heat does not motivate me to get outside, but cool weather, I'd do anything for it.

(This is how daddy starts a fire ... Both of my boys are fascinated with mowers.)

     We built our fire pit early last spring and it has gotten some good use! Thanks to the previous house owners, we had the pavers, the only other thing needed was some good ole' fashion stacking ability. Check! Easy, nice looking fireplace that was cheap and has provided a lot of family fun.

(Riggie is obviously waiting for his smore. I believe Well's had already gifted him a half eaten marshmallow and some graham cracker crumbs. Rigg's motto, "there is always room for more.")

(We spend a lot of time looking at and pointing at planes.)

     I hope that as the boys get older they remember these nights. Running around the yard throwing and kicking balls, chasing the dog, racing with dad. They are great at finding sticks and Tobias especially is an avid and often times, impatient helper. "Can we roast? Can I eat a marshmallow? Where are the sticks?"

 (It is probably a good thing that he never roasts his marshmallows for more than 5 seconds or else his tongue would be burnt. Don't worry we had a roasting etiquette lesson since this photo and he no longer thinks about licking hot metal! Aye yi yi!)

(Yum! Enjoying a marshmallow well roasted! Or was it?)

     I love these nights because they help me slow down and enjoy this time. Something about kids in nature, it has a strange calming effect. Even when the day is crazy and I'm counting down the hours until bedtime, slow nights outside around the fire seem to add just the right amount of perspective. The days are long, but the years are short.

 ("Mom?! Can you take me and Baby Well's picture?")

(Take #433 and they still aren't looking at the camera ...)

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