(she's the best Nana my kids could have, so selfless and generous)
We spent more time on the porch and even went to church! Gray wanted a female singer and since I had someone to hold the baby (thanks Nana) I obliged.

(I think my pictures make it seem like this kid can never keep his clothes on)
This was the week the epic tantrums and meltdowns started. I think the fact that this new baby wasn't leaving, finally hit home. Ty was in desperate need of some extra attention. We even had to stop the car to administer a spanking at one point. It seemed like Gray and I were constantly looking at each other and asking "what have we done?!" If only you could explain to an almost two year old how special it is to have a sibling ...

(I look at these pictures and laugh, he didn't stay skinny for long!)
He's getting the hang of it now and as that week went on I realized that taking intentional time away from Well's, to love on Tobias, directly translated to good behavior. He needed me to acknowledge that he still had a place, that I still love him, and that I wasn't neglecting him.
As silly as it sounds it was during this week that I truly realized, parenting is no joke. I was also desperately wishing someone had written a manual. Tobias has had rough moments before then, don't get me wrong, but when you throw another kid into the mix everything gets a lot more complicated!
But, we made it! That week is over. Even though the tantrums and meltdowns continue on, and some days play out like scenarios from my worst nightmares the days come to an end, the weeks pass by and the babies grow up. And when I let that sink in I start praying really hard that God would give me grace on those days. That on those days my children would see Him and not me.

(Our attempt to get a good family picture will continue, Ty will cooperate one day...)
I want to take every moment and cherish it. I want to model and express with genuine honesty the importance of Christ. I hope my kids leave home knowing what Christ means to me and what living a life for Him looks like. Beautiful, messy, real, full of grace and mercy, full of forgiveness and love. I want them to know that living life to it's fullest means being rooted in the one who created and brought that life into existence. All else fades.

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it. -John 1:3-5
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