Lake Jocassee sits about 50ish minutes North West of us. It spans the border between South and North Carolina and starts the chain of three major lakes. It is supposedly the cleanest lake of the three probably due to the intense restrictions on who can live/camp/boat on the lake. I'm not complaining, the lake and surrounding terrain is beautiful and well worth preserving!
Our close friends and their sweet parents practically live at the lake during the summer and early fall seasons and joining them for the day was so fun and relaxing. It was a great break from the stress and chaos of normal life. The water is so peaceful and the views so breathtaking. It was one of the most refreshing get aways I've had the privilege to experience. A great reminder that God creates amazing beauty and it is such a blessing to live in a free country and have the health to enjoy it!
Our day consisted of eating, drinking, laughs and easy conversation, motoring about, hiking, swimming, frisbee, waterfall gazing and napping. True perfection. Now we just need to buy a boat and spend every weekend there . . . don't laugh Gray, a girl can dream! :p

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