In all honesty, before this point, I had not let myself think about it. About actually owning our first house that is . . . I am usually good at "forgetting" about things until they demand brain space which might explain why I just started packing, um two days ago. I think it is how I am able to stay cool, calm, and collected in the midst of big decisions and changes. But the day has arrived and the budget truck has been purchased and the troops mustered and all of the sudden it is all taking shape, and rather quickly I might add.
Up until this point we have moved every year and then some since getting married. It strikes me as monumental that we will purchase our first house on our fourth anniversary and finally say goodbye to renting! To say I am excited is an understatement. Now for a trip down memory lane.
Our first apartment will always be special, living over a coffee shop on Main Street in Cedarville was fun, especially since it only cost $450 a month (our cheapest by far). Then there was Spain, our only place with a roommate in her 70's, we occupied a tiny room on the top floor with only two twin beds that we were not allowed to push together. Next was Greenville apartment numero uno, 151 Century Drive, a step of faith and the place we added Riggs to our number. After that was 4 Mission Street (our most expensive by far), a huge house downtown Greenville that was well loved and cherished. That house will forever stand out because in that house I grew my first baby and brought that precious little one home! In February of this year we moved to our current abode and after only eight months we will make one final move, at least we hope, until God makes it clear he has something else in mind.
I count six moves, sheesh! After this weekend I will be happy to never see another moving box or write another Facebook post asking for moving help. All I can say is, our poor Greenville friends, they have been complete gems and deserve millions of kudos!
And with that I will end this little ramble by saying, tomorrow starts a new chapter, a crazy and perfect one that presently only makes me sixty shades of excited! I am sure that it will bring its own difficulties and challenges, but for now, I cannot wait to tackle them! . . . says the crazy lady currently in the delusional new house-moon phase :).
P.S. Grayson might tackle me if I present him with even one more paint chip.
*My only way of tying these pictures in is to tell you that Gray saw the house and we decided to put our offer in while I was with my parents in Ohio enjoying ...
pool living,

yard gazing,

and splash time (my parents dog loves it when the water splashes so she "digs" to get the water going, so funny to watch especially since Ty thought it was hilarious).

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