At 11 months you could walk. Unsteadily and with many plops and redirections, but it did not deter you. You were just starting to get into everything, but had yet to become the tornado you are now. Your main interests were cords and remotes and pens. You loved to annoy the dog and still do, but there is less poking and slapping, you mostly observe, point and laugh now. In these pictures you had managed to remove the lid from the puffs container and subsequently you spilt them all over the floor all while mommy went pee. Our morning routine most days was pretty lazy. During this month you graciously slept till 8:30 most days and upon waking we would lounge in our jammies and you would snack on cherrios/puffs while mommy slipped in bites of yogurt and banana. Not because you did not like them, but because you were too busy playing to care. This was the month that you noticeably started to take an interest in balls, much to your daddy's delight. You loved to "throw" the ball, i.e. drop it while staring at the person encouraging you to hand it to them. You babbled all the time, your favorite syllables were da-da and ha-ha. You learned uh-oh while in Ohio with Mimi and Poppi and came home and forgot it. Even now you only say the uh part. This is the month you took a special interest in mommy and that has yet to wear off (secretly I love it). You started to show us the fart part of your personality. If we took something away from you you would clench your fists and grunt in frustration. Only recently have you started to throw tantrums which consist of laying on the ground and rolling around, ya, you are that kid. You were growing more hair, but it still stood up on end and gosh I love it. Dog food was your favorite snack no matter how many times mommy told you no. Our nap routine started to get a little longer, because mommy did not want to stop rocking you, especially when you would lay your sweet head on my shoulder. And to be honest kid, you are too darn cute for your own good. You force your mother to give you unsolicited snuggles and kisses all day every day that sometimes annoy you, but maybe, just maybe might be wearing off on you. Please stay this little for just a while longer.