Basically I had this large 8x10 print that I really wanted to add to my gallery wall, but I was lacking a picture frame and I didn't really want to spend money and get one. So with everything on hand, I went about attaching my print to a canvas. I did it in five easy steps using 4 things; mod podge, a foam brush, an old canvas that needed a fresh look, and a print.

Gather your mod podge from the recesses of that craft bin you have located in the back of the closet, or in my instance that cardboard box you still need to unpack.

Grab that old canvas that could really use a facelift. Side note: If you tend to be messy when doing crafts you might want to grab a trash bag and place it under the canvas as a catch all.

Using a foam brush or any brush apply your mod podge to the canvas. Don't be stingy this is what holds the print to the canvas! You might want to add some to the back of the print as well, just to be extra safe.

After you cover your canvas with glue firmly press your print onto the canvas.

Finally, use a liberal amount of mod podge to cover the print. I like to think this seals the photo and gives it a more polished look. It will seem cloudy and streaky, but all of that will be non-existent once it dries. Don't fret!

If you haven't collected every one of those supplies like I had, the list below shows you where (one place out of many) you can get it and how much the project will cost:
Mod Podge: $4.40
Foam Brush: $0.44
Canvas: $3.99 for two
8x10 Print: $2.84
Thats a total of $11.67, not bad for a really simple project that looks great!