Feb 26, 2014


     One of my many faults, needing to paint walls even if we are just renting. I can't stand blank walls without color. Its too inviting, its a canvas that begs me to paint it! So I painted, I am quite limited on a palate Grayson isn't a fan of greens, pinks, purples, oranges, or yellows. He really only likes blues and reds. I wasn't in the mood for deep dark colors so I went with blue. I happy turquoise color in the living room and a wispy winter blue color in the piano/craft room. I love the way they turned out . . . I'll show you more pictures soon!
“Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways. ” 

― Oscar Wilde

Feb 24, 2014

The Dog.

     Riggs continues to amuse us. He is loving our new house. There are so many rooms to explore and so many stairs to climb, and a huge backyard to run around. He is constantly burning energy which not only keeps him happy but keeps Gray and I sane too! Its been so beautiful here the past couple of days that I just leave the back door open for him to come in and out as he chooses. He's loving the freedom! All I have to say is, "I'm glad you're happy Riggs, because in a big way this move was for you! We'd be having issues if you weren't, just saying . . ."

Feb 23, 2014

My Bucket List.

     It's not conclusive and not really edited (nor is it in any order), but its current and honest. I'm sure as I keep growing and learning and changing, my dreams will shift and things that are important now will seem less so in the future, but it's fun to create a bucket list. I hope that by putting things down on paper I start to foster intentionality in my life and maybe many years from now I can look back and see that I had courage and/or determination to do at least three fourths of this crazy list.

Have 4 or 5 children
Adopt 1 or 2 children from different countries
Stay in a cottage by the sea
Visit 10 National Parks
Take a trip across the United States
Tent in the backyard
Go on a cruise with our friends
Go back to Scotland
Visit Ireland and dig up some of my ancestry in honor of pappaw
Own another dog
Own a house with lots of windows
Have a huge flower garden
Start a company with my sisters
Grow my own fruit trees
Read all the Jane Austin books
Learn how to make chia tea from scratch
Fish with my dad
Read the bible cover to cover
Study joy and contentment
Take a vacation with my sisters
Paint a picture and sell it for money
Take a photography class
Be involved in women's ministry
Be relationally intentional with family & friends
Go to a conference
Tour the Lake District with Grayson
Get better at writing
Sketch the mountains from an open field
Own The Hunger Games and The Lighting Thief on DVD
Go on a missions trip to Africa with Melody
Create photo books every year for our family
Become a prayer warrior
Start a ministry for the elderly
Intentionally encourage 100 people in 2014
Anonymously give a large amount of money to 5 people
Go to the ballet with my mom
Take a long canoe trip with Grayson
Cruise to Alaska
Write 5 songs in 2014
Reach my goal weight: 125
Sing at a coffee house with Grayson
Sing in a quartet
Learn to salsa
Develop photos in a dark room

Have any of you created bucket lists or am I the only one?

Feb 22, 2014

Family Hiking.

     I was so hoping that when Gray and I went home to Ohio for Christmas we would see lots of snow. But it wasn't meant to be, in fact instead of snow or cold weather we seemed to have brought Greenville weather with us. It was balmy with temperatures in the high 40's and 50's . . . even though the lack of snow was disappointing, it did allow my family the chance to go hiking.
    I love hiking with my family, it always makes me laugh. You see, my mom goes hiking to exercise, she is always way ahead of the pack fast walking her way to the end. She likes to appreciate her surroundings at a drive by speed. My dad on the other hand, loves the outdoors, he loves exploring and breathing in the beautiful environment. Its more about enjoying the hike than getting through it. My sisters seem to get drawn into my mom's exciting speed and use it as exercise for themselves. I hate exercising, but instead of thinking that I'm lazy, I choose to believe that like my dad I love taking it slow, making my way with careful feet, capturing all of the beauty that God creates.
     Hiking with my family, regardless of the speed, is a great reminder that there is this stunning world all around us and that sometimes we just need to get out and see it. I can't wait to take hikes with my kids and make similar memories one day.

Feb 21, 2014

A New Year.

This post comes a little late, but hopefully it will be a great reminder to keep going when now is the time that most New Years resolutions seem to waver.
     I've been thinking a lot about this new year 2014 and what I want to say at the end of it. Hasn't everyone? The beginning of the year has this habit of lifting peoples spirits. It gives people the gumption to say, "hey last year was rough, but no biggie, this year is going to be fabulous! I've got these 75 goals that are going to set me on track and make me into that new and improved version of myself that I've always wanted to be!"
     So in response 100 more people hit your gym in January and February and everyone likes to make comments about how empty it will feel come March when the sparkle of New Years Resolutions wear off. What is it that drives people to make goals?
     I'll be honest, I've made goals at the beginning of this year just like almost everyone else. What really irks me is the fact that this is now the third year in a row that I've made the same goals. That should be telling in and of itself. I'm definitely one of "those" people who crowds the gym in the hopes of working off those extra pounds. I'm one of "those" people who makes outlandish goals that are unattainable and often unrealistic. And I'm definitely one of "those" people who feels guilty when I don't do what I said I would do and so I start counting down the days until the next year when I can start over and set new unreachable goals (because goals can only start at the beginning of the year). I'm hopeless!
     And yet, I still want to make goals! I believe that God created people to grow and continue growing. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually. I definitely don't want to look back at my year and have regrets or guilt or find that I've stayed the same. That doesn't mean that sometimes things will happen that will set me back, it just means I want to always see improvement even if its so minuscule that some might call it trite.
     But in that same vain, I can't "Just do it," and honestly that has to be one of my least favorite phrases. It never seems to help. I'm not one of those driven people who can just go after something relentlessly until it's conquered. If anything I need someone to constantly remind me of the goals I've set. Someone who is that pest you can't stand, but can't get rid of because you asked them to help! I need that accountability.
     I want to come to the end of 2014 just like everyone else, happy that when I look back I did the things I said I would do. With that in mind, I want goals that aren't so outrageous and impossible. I want goals that truly benefit me in the fact that they are molding and shaping me into a better Christ-follower. A more ardent worshiper. I more loving wife. A more selfless friend and sister.
     If I were to create a mantra that I would repeat over and over to myself the rest of this year, it would be this:
I want to strive after true perseverance and learn to give myself grace when things don't end the way I think they should. 
     So I've set goals, I've reevaluated what I'm asking myself. I've come down to a list of things that I really want to pursue. My problem now isn't that I don't have enough goals or that they are too unachievable, my problem is that I need someone to help me persevere. And I need someone to remind me that accepting grace is necessary and more than okay.

Feb 20, 2014

Engagement Photo Shoot: Darius & Amber

It's been a while, but a much needed break from social media was in order. I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. What with the holiday's and moving and leaving my job, life's been its normal chaotic self. So forgive me if some of these posts seem "old," they will be, because I'm going to be playing a little bit of catch up in the next couple of weeks! One of the goals I set for myself in 2014 was to blog everyday for one month. My month starts today February 20th :). I'm excited to get started I have some general updates to share and a few projects from our new home!
This past November I had the chance to take photos of this gorgeous family and I had such a good time! It was a relatively short session, but we definitely got some good ones. I'm so excited to shoot their wedding in April! They plan to have a sweet vintage wedding in their backyard. I can't wait to capture all the character. Its going to be a great day to remember for her and her sweet family!