I hate that the smallest thing can derail me. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one that struggles with being disciplined, but gosh darn it, sometimes it feels that way. I always have such good intentions, and then something gets in the way and it takes me 30 days to get on track again. I always come back feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. So guilty, why can't I just start something and stick with it? I guess this lack of discipline that invades almost every aspect of my life is trying to get my attention and say, "Jak, LISTEN, that's what grace is all about, no matter how good your intentions are, you'll never be perfect, but that's okay, because I sent my son to wash clean your stains and make you blameless, guiltless in my eyes so just keep on keeping on." Hmm, I can't wait for the day when my small, finite brain finally gets grace. For now I'll just accept this unfathomable gift and keep going, keep persevering, knowing that this dreamer might get lost in the forrest, but only until she realizes the path home is clearly marked and easy to follow. . .
Gray and I have been caught up in life lately. Enjoying the end of summer, friends, castle episodes, our crazy dog, and food. I haven't taken a ton of pictures, my fingers starting to twitch so there will be more soon. I'll leave you with this:
Is there really a better fruit than peaches? Especially when they go in pie . . .

Which leads me to the library, because one day I will own a garden with several fruit trees.
But all that healthy stuff needs some balance so we decided to make fried chicken (so good).
The last couple of photos are from our Labor Day trip to the Hendersonville Apple Festival and a peek at Asheville. Ya know, just to wrap up this randomness.